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Electronics For You
April  2023   Issue Vol. 55  No. 4 

TRENDS: You Can Bet Your Farm On IT
Technology can aid farmers overcome problems ranging from climatic changes to demand fluctuations. However, the uptake by small farmers is still low, despite the range of affordable solutions available. How can Indian agri-tech startups reach the masses?

TRENDS: The Shape Of Things To Come From Japan
NEPCON Japan is a good bet if you want to catch a glimpse of what’s new in electronics. While NEPCON focuses on electronics manufacturing equipment, its co-located shows, which are related to electronics too, provide the holistic picture of what’s hot and what’s not. Rahul Chopra, Editor, Electronics For You, happened to visit the show and could not stop himself from sharing some key trends that stand out
GROWTH: A Three-Step Process To Predictable Sales
Having a process to get in front of a prospective customer without manual intervention and then genuinely helping them reach logical decisions via a diagnostic process is one of the critical assets in a small business’s arsenal
CIRCUIT: Reference Designs
Reference Designs Of Motor Drives For Different Applications
Key Industry Trends That Can Shape The Future Of Your Business
Startups & Innovators
• Deciphering Brain With Semi-VR Cognitive Games
• D’Zine-ing A Greener World With Electric Mobility
• A Semi-Bionic Hand That Helps The Users To Touch And Feel
Truly Innovative Electronics
Amongst numerous press releases of new products received by us, these are the ones we found worthy of the title Truly Innovative Electronics
New Products
• Components
• Embedded
• T&M Equipments
IoT: Walk Into The Future With Deployment Of 5G IoT
The introduction of 5G networks is revolutionising the way we live and work, with the Internet of Things at the forefront of this change. Imagine a world where your devices seamlessly communicate with each other, providing you with real-time data, improved efficiency, and lightning-fast speeds. Keep reading to learn more about the exciting advancements in 5G IoT and how it is shaping the world of tomorrow
PROJECT: Enabling Industrial Sensors For Edge Computing Using EdgeX
For industrial prototyping and design, we often need industrial-grade sensors and devices plus industrial platforms like EdgeX. But interfacing and using those industrial-grade sensors with our known boards is very difficult and unknown to us. So here we use the industrial platform EdgeX and industrial sensor and interface them with the known Raspberry Pi
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CIRCUIT IDEA: Overvoltage And Undervoltage Protection For Electrical Appliances
In some places, especially in developing countries like ours, sudden ups and downs in the mains voltage are quite common. This sometimes causes a serious failure of electrical appliances like television sets, air-conditioners, and refrigerators, which are not designed to tolerate lower or higher voltages beyond a small limit
PROJECT: Automatic Water Tank Filling System
In India, many houses have two sources of water to fill the rooftop water tank. These are underground water storage tanks and municipal water supply. Based on the availability, the rooftop tank is filled either with the municipal water or with the underground tank water with the help of an electric water pump
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PROJECT: Automatic Camera Based Boom Barrier Better Than The IR Based
This is a common sight at big buildings, such as shopping malls and 5-star hotels, where the entrance for staff and regular vendors has a boom barrier. The staff cars and other regular vehicles have to slow down and wait near an infra-red (IR) scanner, which reads the faint radiation of an IR tag pasted on the vehicle’s windshield. The boom barrier opens if the tag is found in its database. The process is quite efficient and works unhindered
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Research & Innovation Updates
• Smart contact lenses enable AR based navigation
• A new way to govern ethical use of AI
• Cellular signal processing used to study cancer cells
• A new solar harvester with enhanced energy conversion
• Digital twin together with ML can now flag cyberattack indicators
Industry News: Industry Updates
• After Ladakh, Karnataka awaits decision on lithium reserves in Mandya
• India and Lithuania to collaborate in STEM and other areas, including high-tech startups
• Smart energy meter and EV charger tech transferred by C-DAC to industry partners
• India’s first indigenous signalling system launched by Delhi Metro
• AICTE launches curriculum for technical courses in chip making, VLSI design
TRENDS: What To Expect From The Latest Lidar Systems
Let us take a look at the technological trends in lidars and what the future holds for this amazing technology
R&D: The Near Future Of Electronics
So far, electronics has depended heavily on silicon for its development. But now new materials and techniques are emerging to take electronics further
PROJECT: Your Own Supercomputer With Super Cool Tech
There are areas where we need small computing machines that can work collectively like a supercomputer. Let us see here how it can be done. Most supercomputers have interconnected CPUs with a master node CPU that divides a large computing task into smaller tasks. These smaller tasks are assigned to the interconnected CPUs, which work together to finish the task in much lesser time
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From You
Your Suggestions and Things You Wanted To Know
FUTURE: Opinions On The Metaverse Remain A Mixed Bag
CES 2023 renewed the debate on the future of the metaverse. While the exhibitors were all agog about it, the experts on panels suggested moving ahead with caution
STARTUPS: The Mantras For High-Tech Startups’ Success
Dauntless! That is what defines the Indian high-tech startup ecosystem, which continued to grow through a pandemic and propelled the electronics industry to aspire for a new goal—a $300 billion industry by FY26. Realising this ambitious goal is no mean feat as the very drivers of this goal continue to struggle to emerge out of the struggling startup stage and become an established business. Yashasvini Razdan from Electronics For You writes on how high-tech startups can steer through the challenges that come their way
P&L: Ensuring Profitable Product: Costing And Optimisation
The economic parameters explained here give us indication of the profitability and risk of our product development work. Ideas that give more profit with less risk are always preferable
CIRCUIT IDEA: An Inexpensive 5-Colour LED Flasher
This 5-colour LED flasher circuit can be built using the popular 555 timer and 4017 decade counter ICs. It does not require any expensive component like a microcontroller
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